SAPTA Fall Doubles Leagues
Playing Now!
Wednesday Women 3.0, 3.5, 4.0 begins September 4.
4.5 Women's Division play on Sundays beginning September 8
Men's Divisions play on Saturdays beginning September 7
You provide the competition and SAPTA provides the balls.
Winners Advance to the USPTA Texas State Team Championship, January 2025, Houston, TX
What is SAPTA?
SAPTA is an organization comprised of local tennis professionals. Our primary mission is to help grow the game of tennis in San Antonio and surrounding areas. We strive to continually raise the standard of tennis in our community by encouraging everyone to play this great game both, now and for a lifetime.
Tennis professionals who are new to San Antonio are welcomed and encouraged to attend SAPTA meetings, generally held bi-monthly. By attending these meetings, the new pro will make great business connections as well as learn about all of the tennis programs held at both public and private facilities throughout the city.
Our group sponsors the annual Al Theodore/HEB Tournament every February and offers adult leagues as well. Our fun competitive spring doubles league is for women and the winners of the fall adult men's and women's league advance to the Texas USPTA State Championships.
SAPTA Officers
President, Joe DeLuna
Members at Large
Jenny Gray
Daniel Cantu
Alex Ortega
Karen Mannheimer
The Tennis Park at Whispering Oaks
Country Mayer
Rudy Obregon
USPTA Representative
Dennis Reblin
Trey Foster
Past Presidents
Barry Mills
Mike Vogl
League Management by
Debbie Lowry, League Director
Linda Wells, Business Development