Message from the
SAPTA Professionals
The SAPTA pros would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for making the USPTA/SAPTA Doubles Leagues a success! The feedback we have received from those participating in this league has been overwhelmingly positive.
Players have shared with us that they are enjoying the many unique aspects of this league including:
The doubles format and point system
Balls are provided
Play does NOT affect your USTA rating
The TopDog management system is easy to navigate and provides many great features for both captains and players
A portion of the proceeds from this league support special programs in San Antonio
SAPTA is committed to providing excellent service and a great tennis experience for our players. Our partnership with Texas Team Tennis has allowed us to deliver a quality, well-managed league that offers both great competition and an opportunity for advancement.
We welcome your comments and/or suggestions as we strive to continue to improve our leagues. We look forward to providing you more tennis opportunities in the future.